- Version 1.0
- Download 233
- File Size 44 MB
- Create Date June 18, 2020
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This Cinema 4D scene file is available under as “open source” concept. This is intended for educational use but really can be used for whatever you want. You don’t need to credit me for commercial or non-commercial use.
This scene file is Cinema 4D R21 based fully rigged and editable.
- Drag & drop any object into the "Object" field. The higher subdivision object will help smooth creation. If your object doesn't work just add your object into a connect object, then add the connect object in the object field.
- Press play to start the animation. If nothing happens, click "Show Points" to refresh the viewport.
- You need to increase the "Radius" if you use a low poly object.
- "Random Point" mode will create random points on the surface. You can increase or decrease the point count and change the seed.
- "Field" mode will give you the control to select the start animation position into the surface using fields.
- "Scales" settings will give you more control over the count, size, and randomness of the scales.
- In "Animation" settings you can define the frame number to start the animation. This frame number only works in the "Random Point" mode.
- "Speed" setting will increase or decrease the overall creation speed.
- "In Smoothness" and "Out Smoothness" is like an animation curve, but it will give you a more organic look. "In Smoothness" will smooth the start creating animation and "Out Smoothness" will smooth the out animation.
- In the "Materials" section you can drag & drop the individual materials for the individual sections.
- For the transition from "Object Material 01" to "Object Material 02" just drag & drop the "Vertex Map" into the "Object Material 02" alpha channel using a vertex map shader.